Patient Access Request
Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation, Data Protection Act 2018, you have the right to apply for access to your records and in some case, records of other people as an authorised representative. This is known as a Subject Access Request (SAR)
The Access to Health Records Act 1990 (AHRA) governs the right of access to deceased patient’s health records by specified persons
Is there a fee?
The GP Care Group will provide a copy of the information free of charge, however we reserve the right to charge a “reasonable fee” when a request is deemed manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly if it is repetitive (copies of the same information).
How long will the request take?
You should receive access to your records within one calendar month (unless advised by court order) provided sufficient information to identify you is received with your application.
If the request is complex or numerous then this period can be extended by a further two months. If this is the case then we will contact you to explain why the extension is necessary.
Will I need to provide proof of identity?
Identification checks are required by the GP Care Group for security, this is to protect personal data from unauthorised access.
How to make a request
To enable us to process your request effectively please complete the appropriate form via the online Portal. Using our portal, you will be able to track the progress of your request, submit any queries and receive your information in a secure electronic format.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide enough information to enable Provide to identify his/her records.
Solicitors and third parties must provide evidence to show they are authorised to act on the patient’s behalf.
Once we have received your application, we will endeavour to respond within one month to provide you with the information you have requested. Very occasionally it may not be possible to comply with this timeframe. You will be informed of this within one month of receipt of your request to explain why the extension is necessary, in order to avoid a delay please specify the nature of the information requested on the application form.
If you have any problems using the portal or would like to discuss your application please contact the Information Governance Officer at